Her voice from the past is revealed through the layers of Forensic Reconstruction. She is 41-47 years old and was found at the excavation ‘Hole in the Market’ in Vlaardingen, Holland by Maja D’Hollosy. Maja sent me a photo of the skull and I added the reflection below. This woman died approximately 1100 years ago. The goal of reconstruction is to take a skull of an unknown person and recreate the face so that the person can be identified. Maja’s sculpture shows the beginning and the end of the process. I have recreated this in my form of art, thread painting. I have applied over 90 colors of thread to the sculpture, bringing her to life. The blending of the colors is integral to the process. The Art has exposed raw edges, allowing the viewer to see the layers of the art. The ragged edges echo the passage of the years since Ingrid passed away. Ingrid is now alive through this thread painting for all to see.